The private vasectomy service in cardiff
Email satis.familia@aol.com
to arrange a free telephone consultation

Safe. Permanent. Confidential. Simple. Effective. Quick.
About the service

Dr Noel McLoughlin
I am a general practitioner and partner at St Isan Road Surgery, who has been performing vasectomies for over 30 years. I am very experienced having personally performed over 6000 vasectomies. I have been providing this service to the NHS for the last 30 years, as well as minor surgical procedures for the practice.
If you and your partner are certain that your family is complete, then vasectomy is an excellent method of contraception for you.
After a vasectomy procedure the vast majority of men are declared sterile within six months. After that declaration you have the safest and most effective form of contraception available to us, with no hormones or devices.
This service is provided from St Isan Rd Surgery, Heath, Cardiff, by Dr Noel McLoughlin.
To discuss further in a free consultation, please email satis.familia@aol.com with your name & telephone number.
During the consultation we will go through your circumstances & medical information. Please have your NHS number, & GP information ready.

Vasectomy procedure
The procedure is a simple local anaesthetic procedure, performed at St Isan Rd Surgery. There is a free mandatory information & counselling session prior to the procedure, after which a date for surgery will be set. There is also a more detailed leaflet describing the procedure that is mandatory reading prior to surgery.
The procedure takes about half an hour, but we will keep you for another half an hour afterwards to help recovery. There are three very important points:
1: The procedure must be regarded as irreversible. (It is possible to reverse vasectomy but there is a high failure rate & it is very expensive).
2: Vasectomy does not work straight away. Contraception must continue after the procedure until you receive notification from us that you are sterile, which will be at least 5 months after the procedure is done.
3: There is one chance in 500 that your post operative semen analysis will show that the operation has failed, which will mean that we will ask to do it again. This should not result in a pregnancy as you should still be using contraception. There is no extra cost to a second procedure if needed. This eventuality is actually very rare.
The procedure I perform is a tried & trusted technique, we do not use lasers or diathermy, just old fashioned surgery. It is extremely effective.
We cannot provide a general anaesthetic to anyone.
Vasectomy affects fertility, but nothing else. All your hormones, organs & functions carry on exactly as they did before.
Counselling: free
Vasectomy: £1,200
Post vasectomy testing: The first three tests are included in the price above, provided they are done within a year of the procedure.
Tests more than a year after the procedure will be the responsibility of the patient and cost £100 per test.
If more than three tests are required they will cost an additional £100 per test.
Please note, over 95% of men are declared sterile after the first test, and to go beyond 3 tests would be very unusual.
Second procedure if the first one fails: free
One chance in 500.
A charge of £100 will be made if an appointment for surgery is missed without reasonable notice